06-30-2021, 07:06 PM
Greetings all:
As we begin to wrap up things for our upcoming big announcement, we have been working hard behind the scenes. As some of you know, our original website was around for literally years, without any updates made to it. Therefore, we have decided to start from scratch, creating a brand new website for the project. This includes new services such as the latest version of MantisBT, which will be utilized during our open combat testing phase. These forums will be for announcement documentation, as well as a place for players to ask questions and talk amongst themselves.
As we continue to finalize the rest of what is on our to-do list, please feel free to make an account. Your account here will be the same account you use to log into the SWG: TCGEmu online server. If you run into any issues, please let a QA member know on Discord, or submit a MantisBT ticket.
All project announcements will be posted in the Discord #announcements channel by our helpful TCGEmu Announcements bot. Be sure to join our Discord server to get live notifications of all project updates.
We cannot wait to share with you with what we have planned, we are sure you will love it!
May the Force Be With You,
The SWG: TCGEmu Team